Cultivate ~ 10 Week Program 2021

with Brooke McNamara and Lauren Beale of Eunice Embodiment

with guest teachers TBD

Sundays, May 2 – July 11 (no class June 6)

9-11 am MT, 5-7 pm CET


Cost: $345 Suggested Investment.

Please pay what you can (more or less is welcome).


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An 10-week online workshop series

In this potent chapter of global unpredictability, we are called to gather with brave and tender humans willing to dive into the belly of our ever-changing circumstances. Welcome to CULTIVATE Creative Practice: an embodied, interdisciplinary exploration and training in which we harness, catalyze, and source the creative aliveness of our churning world.


We begin with the truth that every human being is innately and uniquely creative. 


CULTIVATE is a practice of attuning to, cohering with, and yoking the generative principle that inherently pulses through each of us in every moment. We practice not only to refine skillful awareness of this creative vitality, but to grow a multidimensional capacity to realize and mobilize the imaginative power and potential at the center of our deepest humanity. As old structures within and around us collide, collapse and transform…


CULTIVATE ignites our skillful capacities to sense, sniff, woo, court,
magnetize, and catalyze living ideas and inspiration,




to prime, tenderize, forge, steady and awaken ourselves as vessels
for these living ideas to come into form!


Sundays, 9-11am MST/ 5-7 pm CET 

Sundays, May 2 - July 11 (no class June 6)

(no class June 6)

Via Zoom 

To counter the familiar Zoom fatigue, we will spend less time in front of the screen and more time enacting and inhabiting our creative investigations, curiosities and manifestations into our collaborations, community and greater world.