Wiping down the groceries


I wrote this new poem last week and posted it this weekend, and my actress friend Rachel recorded herself reading it so delightfully.

Watch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lc_osNCFTdg&feature=youtu.be



Podcast Interview for Emerging Form

When creatives show up for their practice, they bring a lot of tools: perhaps books and pens and ...
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Video: An Embodied Approach to writing

From "The Embodiment Conference", an online celebration of reconnection with the body. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hBHTAPRTBU
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LISTEN: Expressing the Heart of Motherhood

The Daily Evolver · Expressing the Heart of Motherhood with Brooke McNamara - https://www.dailyevolver.com/2019/02/expressing-the-heart-of-motherhood-brooke-mcnamara/
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Brooke McNamara